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Manifold vs Branch Plumbing: What Is the Difference?

With a PEX pipe installation you can either have manifold or branch plumbing - luckily, we offer both.

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What can we do for you?

Uponor offers both Manifold and Branch plumbing when installing our PEX piping. Which you decide to go with is ultimately up to you but one of our expertly trained consultants can help you to make the right decision depending on your needs.

What is the difference between branch and manifold plumbing?

There are two primary options to consider when carrying out a PEX pipe installation within a residential or commercial property:

1) A branch plumbing system

2) A manifold plumbing system


Both options have their relative merits (as explained below), for example manifold plumbing can help an end user save water as most of the pipe between the water heater and faucet is removed. However, this option is not always available.

Before conducting an installation, we recommend that you contact Uponor via for further advice.

The Two Plumbing Systems

Uponor UK Branch Plumbing Method
Manifold Plumbing by Uponor

Branch Plumbing

What is it?

Our branch fitting systems meet the two main needs of plumbers: a reliable, leak-free fitting system for concealed plumbing connections that is permanent and cannot be taken apart, and a straightforward, demountable threaded system for connecting to pumps, valves, and appliances.


The Uponor PEX Plumbing System can be installed in the  same fashion as a traditional “Tee” system using the various ranges of Q&E fittings. The advantage with this installation method is that it uses less piping than the manifold system.


However, the traditional method has some inherent disadvantages that should be taken into consideration. There are more joints than with the manifold system and  these are often inaccessible within the floors or walls. There are temperature and pressure variations since one pipe has more than one draw-off point.

The design work is more complicated,as most engineers wish to reduce the pipe diameter, from the beginning of the  system to the end, which is why more careful calculations are needed to determine the various pipe sizes.

All in all, branch plumbing would be the best choice for installers who are more used to traditional installation methods using materials such as copper pipe and fittings.

Manifold Plumbing

What is it?

The basic principle of the Uponor pipe manifold system is to provide joint free pipe runs from a centrally positioned manifold to each radiator valve or tap or water outlet. The system can be designed with one single pipe dimension from the manifold to the draw-off point, which simplifies design and installation work. 


With joints only at the manifold and the radiator/taps, the risk of leakage from joints is considerably reduced and there are no connections within the walls or floors. Since there are also no other draw-off points on the same pipe, pressure and temperature variations are minimal when taps are turned on and off. Small pipe diameters and fewer fittings save on installation time and labour costs.


The only real disadvantage of this plumbing manifold system is that it can't be installed in existing buildings and is more suitable for new properties. An exception to this rule is that the system can potentially be integrated within older Victorian homes which have a joisted system.

Branch vs Manifold: A Direct Comparison


Branch Plumbing

Manifold Plumbing


- Can be installed like a traditional "Tee" system using Q&E fittings. 

- Uses less piping than the manifold system.

- Reduced risk of leakage from joints. - No connections within walls or floors. 

 - Minimal pressure and temperature variations. 

- Saves on installation time and labour costs with small pipe diameters and fewer fittings.


- More joints than the manifold system, often inaccessible within floors or walls. 

- Temperature and pressure variations due to multiple draw-off points. 

- Design work is more complicated.

- Not suitable for existing buildings, more appropriate for new properties. 


Best for installers familiar with traditional methods using materials like copper.

More suitable for new properties, not ideal for existing buildings except for certain cases.


Which plumbing system is more efficient?

Manifold plumbing systems are better at saving water and need less energy to heat the water compared to branch plumbing systems. They're a small but strong improvement for any custom home or renovation.

Which plumbing system is best for me?

Both of the plumbing systems have different use cases. However, if you’re building a new property we suggest going with the Manifold plumbing system.