Uponor Sp. z o.o.
ul. Kolejowa 5/7, 01-217 Warszawa

Tailor-made pipes ensure a better water supply,
Søborg, Copenhagen,

Tailor-made pipes ensure a better water supply

Uponor Infra has designed a complete pipe solution for a new water tank. 400 m DN 800 pipes and 300 m DN 630 pipes now ensure Søborg citizens better water supply.


Population increases and industrial expansion have been challenging the local water company in Søborg, a busy urban environment on the edge of Copenhagen, Denmark, for years. Consumers have struggled with insufficient water supply and low water pressure. However, Uponor Infra has designed a complete pipe solution for a new water tank, which should begin operating in December 2016. End users can soon look forward to an improved water supply.

Søborg, Copenhagen, Denmark
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Infrastruktura transportowa
Product systems
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Denmark’s largest water reservoir, which is about to be completed, can be found in Søborg, a busy urban environment on the edge of Copenhagen. The reservoir contains enough water – 300,000m3 – to  meet Copenhagen’s needs for around one day.

The first section of the original reservoir opened in the 1930s and it was expanded later in the 1970s. In the 1990s, the water company discovered several leaks in the foundation of the largest tank, tank 12, causing it to be closed down for renovation.

In 2015, a new solution was ready for implementation. In cooperation with the engineering company, Krüger, and the contractor, NCC, HOFOR decided to build a new tank inside the old, closed one. During this process, Uponor Project Service engineer Jan Lunding were consulted regarding pipes for the tank. Specially designed pipe solutions were required in order to meet the need for both emptying and filling the tank with water.

Lightweight pipes without corrosion

Uponor recommended PE100 pressure pipes, which are lightweight and designed not to corrode over time. HOFOR needed the pipes to be perforated in a very specific way to fit in with their fill simulation; in  response, Uponor designed a solution based on which the perforation worked as required.

Throughout the project, Uponor has provided technical support on issues such as pull strengths, calculations of flowability and recommendations for fitting solutions – all based on cost-effectiveness and competitive prices.

The pipes were put out to tender in February 2016. Uponor´s technical team designed a complete pipe solution and provided HOFOR with a 3D demonstration of how to make their vision a reality. Uponor was chosen to produce and deliver 400m DN800 pipes and 300m DN630 pipes.

Ready in December 2016

HOFOR found Uponor’s solution so compelling that Uponor was also asked to weld the pipes inside the container. On this occasion too, Uponor proved to be both service minded and cost competitive.

Uponors project managers and project engineeres have worked closely with the contractor throughout the project, to ensure that Uponor meets the deadlines in accordance with the project schedule.

The water tank is expected to begin operating in December 2016, when end users can look forward to a better water supply.

Tailor-made pipes ensure a better water supply

tinghoj vandreservoir 1
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