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Uponor France
523 Cours du 3ème Millénaire,
Parc Mail
Bâtiment H
69800 Saint-Priest
Les références

Cathedral Dome of Atri, Italy,

Cathedral Dome of Atri, Italy

In the course of several centuries, Atri has always been an important city both for civil and religious aspects. Uponor underfloor heating was installed.

Atri, Italy
Type de construction
Bâtiment public
Product systems
Systèmes rayonnants rafraîchissants
Type de projet

In the course of several centuries, Atri has always been an important city both for civil and religious aspects. The city is located here the Italic city of “Hatria” was situated, which is believed to be the hometown of the Roman Emperor Adrian, that was subsequently transferred to Spain.

The Dome is believed to has existed in some form or another since the 6th century. For this project Uponor installed an underfloor heating system.

The state of the cathedral called for a conservative intervention, and the underfloor solution was the ideal one in order to provide a comfortable environment for the faithful as well as to preserve the feature of such historical building. The underfloor panels work a positive action in preserving the hygienic environmental conditions, because they do not allow the creation of humid areas in the floor, which could cause mold and degrade the condition of the paintings and frescoes in the Cathedral.

Cathedral Dome of Atri, Italy

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