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Uponor France
523 Cours du 3ème Millénaire,
Parc Mail
Bâtiment H
69800 Saint-Priest
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Abbey of Praglia,

Abbey of Praglia

Selected for maximum flessibility and durability, Uponor's preinsulated pipes connect the wood chip boiler to the pump unit located within the abbey perimeter.

Teolo, Italy
Type de construction
Bâtiment public
Product systems
Systèmes de canalisations enterrées
via Abbazia di Praglia 16
Type de projet

The Abbey of Praglia, located near Padua in northen Italy, is a gem worth visiting. Founded in the 11th century by Benedectine monks and rebuilt in 1496-1550, the abbey is one of Italy's oldest and largest religious establishments. The imposing abbey contains a rich library with over 50,000 volumes, a well-known restoration centre of antique books, a herbalist's laboratory, and a cosmetic workshop. This splendid monastic complex houses a community devoted to prayer and work. Continuing its tradtitional monastic activities, today the community also hosts conferences and runs a guest service, offering hospitality to groups and individuals who wish to be near the spiritual life of the order. When the Abbey of Praglia decided to upgrade its entire heating system, special attention had to be paid to the protection of all areas of historical interest. After all, some parts of the abbey date back as early as the 14th century. Five obsolete fuel oil boilers located within the abbey perimeter were replaced by a centralised heating system located outside the abbey and connected to two boilers, providing heating and hot water to the entire abbey. Thanks to the system's cutting-edge technology, emission levels are notably lower than the limits set by the Italian law. Selected for maximum flessibility and durability, Uponor's preinsulated pipes connect the wood chip boiler to the pump unit located within the abbey perimeter. While the heating system in efficient and ecological, it also pays respect to the historical grandeur of the abbey.

Abbey of Praglia

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