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Uponor France
523 Cours du 3ème Millénaire,
Parc Mail
Bâtiment H
69800 Saint-Priest
Les références

American School,

American School

“Move!” We are convinced, that sports, primarily mass sports and leisure time sports, have an emphasised role in Hungary today – both from a pedagogical and a medical point of view.

Nagykovácsi, Hungary
Type de construction
Bâtiment public
Product systems
Systèmes rayonnants rafraîchissants, Systèmes de canalisations multicouche, Systèmes de canalisations PER
Nagykovácsi u. 12.
Type de projet
Nouveau bâtiment

The children and adults of our generation exercise tragically little, both in and outside institutional forms, they are in poor physical and medical status, there are a lot of aggressive, addicted, wasted children, teenagers and adults. The positive impact of sports influence not only the body, but the soul and spirit also, the systematic exercise induce several, almost immediately perceptible changes of the body, and when it becomes an organic part of our lives, it has an apparently preventive effect. Since the systematically exercising child or adult is in a better physical and medical status, their performance at school or at work improves, and they become part of a positive community, which keeps them away from addictions (drugs, smoking, alcohol), works off the accumulating stress, aggression in a beneficial way, and they become more balanced both spiritually and intellectually, they live their life in a more conscious way. There are not too many things, which are as advancing as sports.


The construction started in 2008, when the sports building of the school was built.Already during the design phase, a close cooperation started between the design company and Uponor Kft., thus Uponor sports floor underfloor heating was included with joint effort. Uponor Kft. supported the contractor with continuous on-site counselling.Uponor sports floor underfloor heating is a flexible solution for sports floors. These floors consist of an elastic PVC layer attached to a wooden layer. Heating tube registers are fixed in a patented Uponor rocking fixture directly under the flexible floor layer. The tubes are connected to a Tichelmann type manifold. Uponor sports floor underfloor heating can be installed quickly, mainly due to the rugged Pe-Xa tubes, but also due to the patented technology of the installation of sports floors. In the 700 m2 floor, nearly 5000 meters of 25x2,3 mm Uponor Pe-Xa tubes were installed. The sports floor underfloor heating provides excellent temperature comfort, and uniform temperature distribution without air movement. Due to the operation with low temperature heating medium, it is saving energy.

American School

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