Uponor Decibel suppresses sound from the waste water in Gothenburg,
Uponor Decibel suppresses sound from the waste water in Gothenburg
The Borgeby block in Gothenburg, located on one of the busiest streets in the city center, became a prestigious project for Uponor when the Decibel indoor waste water pipe system was chosen.
O.K Rör i Göteborg AB
The Borgeby block on Kungsportsavenyn in Gothenburg was finalized during the summer of 2017. The whole block was reconstructed and renovated with stores, offices and residential apartments. It includes 36 residential apartments (6 floors) and business facilities and offices up to 4 300 square meters. The block is included in the cultural heritage conservation program of Gothenburg.
The noise reducing Decibel pipe system in 50, 75 and 110 mm was chosen for the project. Additionally Multilayer composite pipe system (MLC) for water distribution, heating and cooling, as well as PE-Xa pipes for water distribution and partially heating.
The special mineral-reinforced polypropylene and the innovative multi-layered wall structure keeps the Decibel system quiet. The system manages a temperature range of 85-100 ℃ and has a smooth abrasion-resistant inner surface to reduce the risk of blockage.
Why Uponor Decibel
The most important reasons for choosing Uponor Decibel for this project was due to the bad experiences the installer had had from using pipes of different fabric.
“We have always been very satisfied with the solutions from Uponor and with the technical support you get from Uponor” – Project coordinator, O.K Rör i Göteborg AB
Another vital decision point was the white color of the pipe; it will give a clean and nice appearance at places where the pipes are not hidden. The pipes inner surface is also easy to check with a camera when they are white. Uponor Decibel is compatible with other pipes and has adapters (O-rings, sleeves and cup seals) which simplifies the installation significantly.
Cast iron pipes were never an option since the installation would be too heavy, more difficult to work with and time consuming, hence increasing the overall cost. Cast iron pipes demands more people for the cutting process, and they can easily be damaged if they are dropped. Decibel is easier to work with due to its low weight and in a simple manner; it can be cut to length, deburred and chamfered with a conventional saw. No special tools are required.
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