Riverstone Residence,
Riverstone Residence
Location of the building in the protection zone of historic center of Riga and nearby wooden houses has set a project concept. In Kipsala there will be a multi-storey residential complex, which consists of six buildings. The construction of first three-storey building with 10 apartments was started in 2015. The project represents contemporary, qualitative and comfortable two-, three-, four- and five-room apartments with area from 56,1m2 to 143,6m2 with the spacious terraces or balconies.
Builder:YIT celtniecība SIA
Designer: Projektu birojs Grietēns un Kagainis SIA
Uponor installer: D-Force
Customer: YIT celtniecība SIA
Short description
The architecture of two-level building depended on the relief of a certain site. The building is located on elevation, but its lower part required a support wall, which supports the main structure and save relief for descent to parking area that is located in the basement of the building.
The building is connected to the central water supply system of the city. Each apartment has cold and hot water meters. A special attention is paid to the quality of water supply and heating pipes. It is a crucial factor because after casting into the building structure their substitution in case of accident requires extremely serious repairs. Uponor PE-Xa pipes are used in heating and water supply systems.
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Pienryhmäkodin jätevedet käsitellään omassa Clean II -panospuhdistamossa
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Pienryhmäkodin jätevedet käsitellään omassa Clean II -panospuhdistamossa
Biologis-kemiallinen panospuhdistamo Clean I on palvellut omakotitalojen asukkaita jo yli 15 vuoden ajan. Samalla teknologialla toimiva, keväällä 2023 markkinoille tuotu Clean II puhdistaa kaksinkertaisen määrän vettä ja sopii esimerkiksi kahdelle omakotitalolle. Hollolassa Clean II otettiin pienryhmäkodin käyttöön.
As Oy Ulvilantie 12
Kustannustehokas ja tilaa säästävä talotekniikkakasetti takaa onnistuneen linjasaneerauksen – ja tyytyväisen tilaajan
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As a result, Uponor now offers a new, optimized and well structured, compact and easy to use prefab basic unit with flexible connectivity options for managing water and heating in varying types of housing.
From now on, Uponor provides the construction market with these prefab shaft units, primarily intended for modern floor building and terraced houses.
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