Individual setting of the right temperature
Each individual has different preferences with regards to heating and cooling. Whilst some may require a warmer temperature, others may require a cooler temperature. In other cases, there may be a requirement to schedule heating whilst you are away from home.Uponor underfloor heating controls systems offer the following features:
- Ambient comfort zones can be created according to individual preferences
- The Smatrix app allows an individual to schedule heating or cooling whilst away
- Voice activated control via the Smatrix Pulse smart controls system
- Wired and wireless underfloor heating controls
Benefits using Uponor underfloor heating controls:

Optimal comfort and energy savings due to the autobalancing technology
Optimal comfort and energy savings due to the autobalancing technology
- Save time during installation and commissioning
- Easy system set-up and operation
- Broad range of Uponor underfloor heating controls
- Solution for any building project in the residential or commercial area
- Smart controls system
Watch our videos to discover more benefits of Uponor underfloor heating controls
Uponor Smatrix Pulse
- Easy installation
- Easy control via Smatrix Pulse App or voice assistant
- Comfort zone with individual preferences
- Uponor Smatrix Pulse
- Autobalancing concept
- Uponor Smatrix Style thermostats
Learn more about intelligent underfloor heating controls
Uponor Smatrix Pulse room temperature control sales folder
Build on Smatrix Pulse with full smart home connectivity
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