I nostri Uffici e Magazzino saranno chiusi da giovedì 19 dicembre a martedì 6 gennaio 2025 compresi.
Contatti Uponor

Via Eugenio Villoresi 2-4
20864 Agrate Brianza – MB

Piattaforma di E-learning

Uponor Campus

Uponor Campus  - Corsi di e-learning gratuiti per i professionisti del settore

I corsi sono disponibili in lingua inglese e coprono le seguenti tematiche:

Corsi BIM strutturati in specifiche sezioni:

  • Introduzione al BIM
  • Soluzioni e piattaforma Uponor  BIM
  • Plug-in Uponor Revit
  • Gestire in modo intelligente i vostri progetti con il BIM

Corsi sui sistemi Uponor:

  • Introduzione a sistemi di idrotermosanitari per acqua potabile igienicamente sicura
  • Ecoflex VIP: la soluzione per affrontare le sfide per la distribuzione idrica
  • Edilizia sostenibile  sostenibili con le tubazioni Uponor PEX Pipe Blue

Introduzione al BIM:

Introduction to BIM

In this course you will learn:
  • What is BIM
  • Main differences between 2D CAD and BIM
  • Who can use BIM data and what are reasons to swith to BIM
  • BIM standards

How BIM applies in real life

In this course you will learn:
  • BIM levels and dimensions
  • BIM project life cycle
  • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) design in BIM

BIM software and market trends

In this course you will learn:
  • Common BIM software
  • Top BIM trends of  Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry

Soluzioni Uponor BIM

Uponor BIM solution and platform

In this course you will learn:
  • How to use BIM platform to your benefit
  • Intelliegent features

Uponor BIM library Plug-In for Revit

In this course you will learn:
  • How to use Uponor BIM Library Revit Plug-in
  • Preview and download models from BIM platform
  • Create pipe systems in Revit and export data

Uponor BIM library Revit Plug-In for underfloor heating

In this course you will learn: 
  • How to use Uponor Underfloor heating Revit Plug-in
  • Design for heating/cooling of Uponor radiant systems
  • Create bill of material and pipe loop generation

Uponor BIM : corso pratico per il plug-in di Revit

Uponor Revit Plug-in - Heating tutorial

In this course you will learn: 

  • Perform calculations for underfloor heating
  • Use standardized view templates, tags and title blocks
  • Generate loops
  • Download design content and bill of materials

Uponor Revit Plug-in - Heating and cooling tutorial

In this course you will learn: 
  • Usage of heating demand panel
  • Insert manifolds and assign floor to manifolds
  • Change floor types
  • Create documentation and printouts


Uponor Revit Plug-in - BIM library

In this course you will learn

  • Download content and utilize Uponor pipe systems
  • Create pipe layouts
  • Connect elements to systems and use U-taps
  • Create full length of pipe types in the project and bill of materials  



Servizi di progettazione BIM: come delegare a Uponor la realizzazione dei vostri progetti BIM

Smart ways to delegate your BIM projects for industrial facilities

How to delegate your BIM project work to Uponor professionals for your industrial projects.

Smart ways to delegate your BIM projects for residential buildings

How to delegate your BIM project work to Uponor professionals for your residential project.

Corsi di formazione sulle soluzioni Uponor

Drinking water hygiene and legionella bacteria

In this course you will learn: 

  • What legionella is and where does it occur and spread
  • Water temperature and how to lower bacteria growth
  • Financial consequences of drinking water contamination in buildings
  • How Uponor decentralized systems create higher hygiene standards

Ecoflex VIP to solve piping industry challenges

In this course you will learn: 
  • General overview of local heat distributions
  • Specifications and benefits of a new type of pre-insulated pipe
  • How to design Ecoflex VIP (Vacuum insulated panels) and their benefits
  • References

Sustainable construction with Uponor PEX Pipe Blue

In this course you will learn

  • World's first bio-based PEX pipe and features
  • Reduced CO2 Footprint of 90% compared to fossil-based PEX pipes on the market
  • PEX Pipe Blue portfolio and benefits
  • Application areas and Specification details

Contatti Uponor Italia