Contatti Uponor

Via Eugenio Villoresi 2-4
20864 Agrate Brianza – MB


Concrete core activation ČSOB Prague,
Czech Republic

Concrete core activation ČSOB Prague

Heating and cooling using in the office building.

Prague, Czech Republic
Anno di completamento
Tipologia di edifico
Product systems
Riscaldamento/Raffrescamento radiante
Tipologia progetto
Nuovo edificio

The entire complex was planned using BIM technology

The new ČSOB bank headquarters for uses concrete core activation for heating and cooling. The entire building is equipped with a combination of the Contec and Contec ON systems. The Contec ON system is installed adjacent to the façade, while the Contec system is installed in the core of the building. The new headquarters building meets even the highest ecological standards in accordance with LEED Platinum international certification. The heating source are heat pumps with a total of 173 150 m-deep boreholes. The building complex comprises several “freestanding” buildings connected by a central atrium. The entire complex was planned and continues to be operated using BIM technology.

Concrete core activation ČSOB Prague

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