Uponorin asiakaspalvelu

Transport of brine - renovation of technological pipelines,

Transport of brine - renovation of technological pipelines

Transport of brine - renovation of technological pipelines

Modernisation of the brine pipeline in Inowrocławskie Kopalnie Soli „Solino” S.A.

Inowrocławskie Kopalnie Soli „Solino” S.A. focus its operations on underground storage of oil and fuels, extraction of brine and salt packaging. The company belonging to Orlen S.A. Group is the biggest brine producer in Poland with annual extraction at the level of 9 million m³. The brine is extracted in two mines located in Góra and Mogilno. The extraction is carried out from the surface under the borehole method. The extracted brine is transported through a pipeline to the biggest in Poland sodium and chemical plants located in the region.

Inowrocław, Poland
Putkistosaneeraus, Eristetyt teollisuusputkistot

The existing steel pipelines due to the frequent breakdowns strongly degrading natural environment required a modernisation. The works could be carried out during the only annual 7-day long repair period. In 2013 IKS Solino announced the tender for the renovation of the brine pipeline in section Przyjma-Janikowo between the discharge chambers S-5 and S-6. Uponor Infra was a supplier of specialist high-pressure pipelines  PEHD WehoPipe PE100 PN 23 670x84,3 for that investment. The  deliveries were made under emergency procedure (express delivery) after another producer was recalled from the construction site as a result of delivery of defective pipes.

The first delivery took place after 4 days from the formal submission of the order. The entire delivery was executed within the following 4 days including the deliveries made on the days off work. The modernisation of the 355 m long pipeline section was carried out by means of static cracking method. The delivery date of the pipes was the key success factor of the entire investment. The express execution of the order allowed to reduce the actual time of laying the pipeline to 4 days.  The rapid speed of deliveries allowed to meet the planned production resumption date. The completion of the task by the planned deadline allowed the contractor to avoid enormous liquidated damages for defaulting on the completion deadline.

Transport of brine - renovation of technological pipelines

Solino 2013 1
Solino 2013 2
Solino 2013 3
Solino 2013 4
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