Uponorin asiakaspalvelu

Brown coal mine drainage systems,
Bełchatów, Turów, Konin, Adamów,

Brown coal mine drainage systems

Brown coal mine drainage systems

Uponor Infra has been delivering for the last dozen or so years the PEHD systems for surface drainage of brown coal mine

About 90 percent of Polish energy comes from coal. The annual coal production is approx. 70-80 million tons of hard coal and approx. 60-65 million tons of brown coal. Polish lignite mining is in the world forefront and brown coal-fired power plants produce about 35 percent of the cheapest electricity. Cooperation with lignite mines is a very important element of Uponor Infra strategy in Poland.

Bełchatów, Turów, Konin, Adamów, Poland
Kuivatus, Räätälöidyt ratkaisut, Eristetyt teollisuusputkistot

Excavation of brown coal is focused in three mining-energy centres: Bełchatów, Konin and Turoszów. Bełchatów Mine has the biggest share in the total extraction, which is one of the largest open pit mines in Europe. The position of Bełchatów mine is the result of application of state of the art technical solutions and dedication to environmental protection. It was Bełchatów mine which in 2000 decided to use polyethylene pipes instead of steel pipes for the drainage of the open pits. Uponor Infra (former KWH Pipe) has been delivering for the last dozen or so years the PEHD systems installed within the excavation for surface drainage, whose purpose is to catch the storm water, run-off from the slopes and water pumped by the auxiliary drainage system. The Investor stressed that the uniformity of the connections and the associated capability of transmitting longitudinal forces is the key factor determining the selection of PEHD systems.  This is particularly important with installations located in difficult conditions involving the landslides.

For many years polyethylene pipes made by Uponor Infra has been up to the toughest conditions. Sales records are the significant proof  for a fruitful and long-term cooperation with the biggest investors in Poland - In the years 2000-2015, Uponor Infra delivered to lignite mines (KWB Bełchatów, KWB Turów, KWB Konin and KWB Adamów) 127 km WehoPipe pressure pipes and 90 km of gravity pipes (Weholite , WehoTripla and WehoDuo) with a set of fittings and chambers.

Brown coal mine drainage systems

KWB Belchatow 2015 1
KWB Belchatow 2015 2
KWB Belchatow 2015 3
KWB Belchatow 2015 4
Samankaltaisia projekteja

The Port of Aalborg is based on sustainable sewer pipes

A special partnering agreement has enabled new and more sustainable stormwater pipes for the port expansion in Aalborg. 

Patourakka vie rakentajat veden alle

Fortum kunnostaa Tainionkosken vesivoimalaitoksen säännöstelypadon lähivuosina. Ennen kuin miljoonien eurojen ja useiden vuosien jättiurakka päästään aloittamaan, on padon eteen rakennettava varasulkurakenteet.

Jäähdytysvesiputki hallitusti merenpohjaan

Hangon edustalla laskettiin huhtikuussa mereen Weholite Marine -putki – kooltaan ID/OD 1 000/1 125 mm – tuomaan jäähdytysvettä 22 metrin syvyydestä.

Palojätevedet turvallisesti talteen Oulussa

Tiiviit ja kestävät Weholite-säiliöt varmistavat, että Ouluun valmistuvan biovoimalaitoksen palojätevedet saadaan mahdollisessa tulipalotilanteessa kerättyä turvallisesti talteen ennen jatkokäsittelyä.