Uponor Building Solution
Kornmarksvej 21
2605 Brøndby

534 Resultater fundet
Avalon Prime

Avalon Prime

Житловий комплекс преміум-класу "Avalon Prime" наповнений естетикою, сенсом та якістю, що створюють унікальну атмосферу затишку. Проєкт реалізований у концепції, яка наголошує на гармонії між мінімалізмом і розкішшю. Архітектурна ідея базується на грі світла, текстур і простору. Великі панорамні вікна, преміальні матеріали від провідних світових виробників та витончені деталі інтер'єру створюють простір, де кожну текстуру хочеться відчути на дотик.

The power supply to the East Helsinki metro network will be protected with Uponor FastGuard
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The power supply to the East Helsinki metro network will be protected with Uponor FastGuard

In the fall of 2024, a groundbreaking electrical renovation was carried out on the metro line between Siilitie and Kulosaari in Helsinki. The aim was to improve the metro line's power supply and ensure its functionality during potential faults as part of a broader ring network solution. The project utilized FastGuard cable protection developed by Uponor, which is lightweight, durable, and quick to install.

Drainage system of the T3 Baltic Hub container terminal

Drainage system of the T3 Baltic Hub container terminal

Uponor Infra delivered over 10 km of PE and PP pipes for the construction of the drainage system for the T3 Baltic Hub container terminal in the Port of Gdańsk.

Uponor Flowise drinking water solution to Levi's tourism mecca
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Uponor Flowise drinking water solution to Levi's tourism mecca

The ski slopes of Levi attract thousands of tourists every year. Water consumption varies greatly, which is why the water intake plant in Kirakka in Levi was renovated to meet the consumption peaks during peak seasons. As part of the project, Uponor delivered two huge reservoir tanks to ensure sufficient supply of clean water in the area.

Perkolationsbrønde er hjertet i drænløsningen

Perkolationsbrønde er hjertet i drænløsningen

Byggeriet af Julemosegård i Lynge, med 122 boliger, stod over for udfordringer med klimasikring. Det oprindelige regnvandssystem viste sig utilstrækkeligt på grund af terrænets særlige forhold, der fører til større vandmængder end forventet. For at forebygge oversvømmelser og sikre mod fremtidens ekstreme vejrfænomener var det nødvendigt at implementere en avanceret drænløsning.

Bæredygtig vandforsyning med ProFuse RC Blue
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Bæredygtig vandforsyning med ProFuse RC Blue

Ikast Vandforsyning har taget et nyt skridt i retning af bæredygtighed ved at installere ProFuse RC Blue-drikkevandsrør fra Uponor Infra. Det er en visionær tilgang til bæredygtighed, der afspejler Ikast Vandforsynings engagement i at tilbyde de bedste og mest bæredygtige løsninger til gavn for både borgere og miljøet.

Vortex rensebrønd optimerer renseeffekten
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Vortex rensebrønd optimerer renseeffekten

For at sikre vandkvaliteten i naturen intensiverer Brønderslev Forsyning nu indsatsen for sikker rensning af regnvand. Uponor Infra leverer specialdesignede rensebrønde, som skal rense regnvand fra et 20 hektar stort oplandsareal, før det udledes i et regnvandsbassin.

Weber Hill Villas

Weber Hill Villas

The Weber Hill Villas are comprised of 24 attached and detached single-family homes nestled along a quiet forest with lot sizes ranging from one-quarter to one acre. These LEED® and Energy Star® homes are ADA-compliant and built to withstand 250-mph, wind-blown debris. With a top-of-the-line design in mind, the team at Dale Hicks and Associates, LLC chose Uponor PEX piping systems for the plumbing and fire safety — a brand they have relied on for years. 

“Uponor Construction Services designed the system, and we simply installed their design,” said Dale Hicks of Dale Hicks and Associates, LLC. “They have been of immeasurable service to us. I refer Uponor PEX to colleagues all the time.” 

All 24 homes in the development feature Uponor AquaPEX® plumbing systems and AquaSAFE™ fire sprinkler systems with ProPEX® fittings in ½" to 1½" sizes. The multipurpose fire sprinkler systems seamlessly integrate into the home’s cold-water plumbing system, which increases the speed of installation and provides homeowners with greater peace of mind. 

“Weber Hill Villas is just our latest development, and we will apply a lifetime of work, knowledge and innovation to make it truly world class,” explained Hicks. 

Uponor Annex

Uponor Annex

The newest $18M manufacturing expansion for Uponor PEX pulls out all the stops with a highly efficient building incorporating the company’s plumbing, radiant, and snow melt systems. 

Marine outfall pipeline for Stormwater in Lake Vättern
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Marine outfall pipeline for Stormwater in Lake Vättern

Obsolite and underdimensioned stormwater pipes were replaced by Weholite

Tailored renovation solution
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Tailored renovation solution

The Vierimaantie road, located close to the town centre of Ylivieska, Finland has a concrete sewer line constructed in the 1960s and 1970s. A decision was taken to renovate this sewer using a tailored solution, and the product developed for this purpose is now also available to other customers.

Old water intake plant upgraded to modern version
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Old water intake plant upgraded to modern version

The Hietasärkä water intake plant is part of the Suomussalmi water supply system, the task of which is to ensure the sufficiency of clean drinking water for the needs of municipal residents. Corrosion damage to the water supply network was previously prevented with lye, but due to safety risks, it was replaced by a chemical-free method. At the same time, an extensive overall renovation was carried out at the water intake plant.