Wilshire Grand
An Uponor radiant cooling system keeps the integrity of the world’s largest concrete pour for the tallest building west of the...
Wilfred Laurier dorms
See the advantages of converting from an electric system to an Uponor hydronic heating and chilled water...
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Learn why engineers chose Uponor radiant heating and cooling systems to meet energy-neutral goals for the National...
Weber Hill Villas
“Uponor Construction Services designed the system, and we simply installed their design,” said Dale Hicks of Dale Hicks and Associates, LLC. “They have been of immeasurable service to us. I refer Uponor PEX to colleagues all the time.”
All 24 homes in the development feature Uponor AquaPEX® plumbing systems and AquaSAFE™ fire sprinkler systems with ProPEX® fittings in ½" to 1½" sizes. The multipurpose fire sprinkler systems seamlessly integrate into the home’s cold-water plumbing system, which increases the speed of installation and provides homeowners with greater peace of mind.
“Weber Hill Villas is just our latest development, and we will apply a lifetime of work, knowledge and innovation to make it truly world class,” explained Hicks.
Comfort Pipe PLUS
Продуктова информация
Ecoflex система от предварително изолирани тръби
Система от предварително изолирани тръби за промишлени сгради
Uponor Minitec
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Der wirtschaftliche Heizkreisverteiler für den Wohn- und Gewerbebau

Uponor Smatrix Pulse underfloor heating controls with full smart home connectivity

Uponor autobalancing concept in a single family home

Uponor Smatrix Style product video

Интелигентна система за управление Uponor Smatrix с автоматичен баланс
GF Uponor becomes GF Building Flow Solutions
The division – built on the acquisition of Uponor late last year as well as the building technology segment of GF Piping Systems – is committed to finding new ways to conserve, manage and provide water responsibly. The new name underscores the division’s focus on residential, commercial and public buildings, while GF Piping Systems remains a leading provider for utility and industry flow solutions.
Uponor Virtual Showroom
Награди за устойчивост 2024
GF Building Flow Solutions, бивша Uponor, е включена в списъка на най-устойчивите компании в света за 2024 г. А Uponor е включена в краткия списък с PEX Pipe Blue за Световните награди за устойчивост за 2024 г.
Uponor siccus mini
Uponor Siccus Mini е суха система за подово отопление, която предлага бърз и лесен монтаж за инсталаторите. Тя осигурява оптимизирана енергийна ефективност, бърза работа и възможност за инсталиране директно върху съществуващ терен. С увеличен отоплителен капацитет и намалена консумация на енергия, тя предлага максимален комфорт и ползи за околната среда.