Uponor AB
Hackstavägen 1, 721 32 Västerås

Nordanövägen 2, 737 61 Virsbo

537 Resultat hittades
HAMK's zero-energy hall uses energy piles

HAMK's zero-energy hall uses energy piles

Construction of Finland's first virtually zero-energy hall was completed in May 2015. The hall was built for the Thin Sheet Centre research unit of the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) and it draws its energy primarily from energy piles and solar panels.

Getting rid of indoor radon

Getting rid of indoor radon

Uponor's radon system was installed in a detached house in Ilomantsi, completed in 1987. Previously, the radon values in the house were 1,188 becquerels. After installing the system, the radon values dropped to 83.

Fire wastewater safely recovered
Kommunal mark

Fire wastewater safely recovered

The wastewater from the new biopower plant will be collected in a Weholite tank designed by Uponor for the site.

Feeling comfortable and relaxed in loft apartments

Feeling comfortable and relaxed in loft apartments

The old factory building gets a new life as loft apartment building. Skanska Oy renovated the building into 23 different size and type of apartments.

Environmental friendly heating and storm water systems in new Launonen day-care centre
Kommunal mark

Environmental friendly heating and storm water systems in new Launonen day-care centre

The Launonen day-care centre has environmental friendly heating and storm water handling system which ensure the better environment for the children.

Durability and quality are crucial in the award-winning wooden apartment block

Durability and quality are crucial in the award-winning wooden apartment block

All solutions in the Puukuokka block, which was completed in Jyväskylä, have strived for sustainability, quality and coziness. Living comfort and energy efficiency are also ensured by radiant underfloor heating system installed in each of the block’s 186 homes.

Don’t count on luck to protect you from flooding
Kommunal mark

Don’t count on luck to protect you from flooding

With a bit of good luck, a property can overcome rains without flooding, but fewer and fewer count on such luck. As its stormwater solution, a waste power plant to be built in southern Finland chose one-hundred-metre long Weholite tanks.
Day-care centre to be built with energy piles

Day-care centre to be built with energy piles

As requested by the City of Vantaa, the Vaaralanpuisto day-care centre has been planned based on the "nearly 0 energy days" concept. Construction work for the day-care centre began in late summer 2016, and the project will be completed in July 2017. Project costs are estimated at EUR 5.4 million, and the day-care centre will accommodate about 130 children. Among the various energy production options available for the site, the City of Vantaa chose the energy pile and solar thermal collector system jointly developed by Uponor and Ruukki.

Cost-effective and space-saving prefabricated module Reno Port ensures succesful renovation

Cost-effective and space-saving prefabricated module Reno Port ensures succesful renovation

Housing company Hottonia located in Olari, Espoo, had a successful renovation that was finished in September 2018. Everything went according to time schedule and the result was excellent. The renovation was carried out with prefabricated solution Reno Port cassette.

Kommunal mark

Clean drinking water for 17,000 scouts

Roihu 2016 – the 7th International Finnjamboree organised by Suomen Partiolaiset - Finlands Scouter ry, was held at the Evo campsite in Hämeenlinna on 20–28 July 2016. A camp for 17,100 people was built in a forest area owned by Metsähallitus. Some 3,000 participants arrived from abroad – from about 40 different countries. Uponor delivered 7,600 metres of pipes to the area. The pipes were used to supply clean water and to lead grey water away from the area in a controlled manner.

Boost to energy efficiency

Boost to energy efficiency

PowerPark's indoor karting hall became a functional and comfortable multipurpose hall when concrete replaced the asphalt floor and an energy-efficient and cost-effective Uponor Quattro floor heating system was installed underneath.

Aleksanterinkatu 5 in Lahti will be completed with R2I blocks

Aleksanterinkatu 5 in Lahti will be completed with R2I blocks

An 8-storey apartment is rising in a former bank district in Lahti. The target will contain 265 apartments and is designed by A1 Arkkitehdit Oy and will be built by Nuorisosäätiö. There are 256 rental apartments reserved for students on floors 2-7. Uponor R2I blocks will be installed in all of the student-apartments in connection with bathroom and kitchen elements. Aleksi 5 is the first new destination in which R2I blocks are being delivered and in which sound-absorbing Decibel drains are used.