Öppettider under jul och nyår - vi har stängt från den 23 december och är åter den 2 januari. God Jul!
Uponor AB
Hackstavägen 1, 721 32 Västerås

Nordanövägen 2, 737 61 Virsbo

WhistleB – reporting channel

Uponor has a whistleblowing service that anyone can use in their own name or anonymously. The reporting channel is a confidential way to report any suspected abuses and/ or misconducts and unethical behaviour related to Uponor’s activities or its stakeholders’ activities. It can be used by Uponor’s employees or stakeholders that Uponor conducts business with. 

The whistleblowing service is provided by an external partner WhistleB to secure anonymity. The communication channel is encrypted and password-protected. All messages will be processed in confidence.

Privacy Policy for WhistleB