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ProPEX Connection Information Sheet
Information about the Uponor ProPEX connection, including the ASTM F1960 standard, 25-year limited warranty, and more.
Los acoplamientos de polímero procesado (EP) ProPEX realizan las conexiones de las tuberías PEX a las tuberías PEX. Nota: Se necesita la herramienta ProPEX. Los anillos ProPEX se venden por separado.
Information about the Uponor ProPEX connection, including the ASTM F1960 standard, 25-year limited warranty, and more.
PEX Piping Systems Design and Installation Manual (PDIM) | Design manual for hydronic and plumbing piping systems from Uponor. Includes design and installation recommendations for AquaPEX and hePEX PEX-a pipe products and ProPEX fittings. Combines the documents formerly known as the Plumbing Design Assistance Manual (PDAM) and the Hydronic Piping Design Assistance Manual (HPDAM). Includes instructions for pressure testing.