Uponor Oficinas Centrales
Avda. Leonardo da Vinci 15-17-19
Parque Empresarial La Carpetania 28906 Getafe (Madrid)

Regional Perinatal Center,

Regional Perinatal Center

Regional Perinatal Center

National Project "New Life - New Quality of Maternity and Childhood " implements the State Agency for Investment and National Projects . The project is implemented on the initiative of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and implemented by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine , National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , local government and the All-Ukrainian Charitable Organization " Victor Pinchuk Foundation - a social initiative ." He planned to create a national network of perinatal centers of medical institutions III level . Advanced equipment , high level of medical training doctors Obstetricians and neonatologists can significantly reduce maternal , infant mortality and disability.
Regional Hospital in Cherkasy,  Regional Perinatal Center,  is scheduled to be opened in Junuary 2014.

Cherkassy, Ukraine
Tipo de edificio
Edificio industrial
Product systems
Sistema Multicapa, Sistema PEX-a
Tipo de proyecto
Obra nueva

Over 2 years in the framework of the National Project "New Life" perinatal centers have opened in 11 regions of Ukraine .

Company "Cherkasymiskbud" plans to build Perinatal Center the shortest time from July 2013 to January 2014.

The total capacity of the Cherkasy Perinatal Center is 100 beds. A newly built medical center will be equipped with the most modern equipment. The first floor will be located obstetric emergency department , two operating and delivery rooms , seven , among them - six individual and one individual maternity box for pregnant women and mothers with infectious diseases. On the second floor - Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care with methods of efferent therapy for 6 beds in third - postpartum stay compliant department with 30 beds , and the fourth - a branch office of intensive care for newborn to 10 beds , intensive care unit 6 beds room for urgent telemedicine consultations and chamber 2 beds for mothers stay without children.

The center will employ about 215 people , which will provide adoption in 2050 deliveries per year .

Regional Perinatal Center

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