Uponor, s.r.o.
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Infra Utility Tunnel installation,

More efficient building rights with an infra utility tunnel

Akademiska Hus is together with the campus facility Cassiopeia plans to build about 300 apartments in Lund

Lund, Sweden
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Akademiska Hus gain constructions rights more effectively with Uponor Infra utility tunnel

Akademiska Hus planned to build approximately 300 apartments in Lund with the Cassiopeia campus facility. As the infrastructure did not fit in the existing street, it was solved with an Uponor Infra Utility Tunnel.
An infra utility tunnel of just over 90 meters and with a diameter of 2200 mm is in place and connected. Uponor Infra not only supplied the prefabricated culvert with all media pipes in place, but also assisted with dimensioning, construction drawings and welding.

For Akademiska Hus, the Uponor Infra utility tunnel solution means that they can use their building rights to a greater extent. The tunnel also provides access over time to be able to inspect and carry out maintenance work, says Jimmy Olsson, sales reps. Uponor Infra Project Services.

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