

139 Resultat hittades

Record-breaking intake cooling system in the Philippines

New challenges are where the Project Services Department at Uponor Infra feels most comfortable and can demonstrate its
continuously developing expertise. The aim on this occasion was to provide a seawater intake cooling system – a pipeline, intake structure and chlorination line – for the 420MW extension of the Pagbilao Coal Fired Power Plant on Luzon Island in the Philippines.
Jord & Skogsmark

Delivery of fish farming pipes under harsh conditions in the North Atlantic

Challenging environment - high standards for the solution

Challenging weather, demanding underwater conditions and logistical challenges in remote areas of the North Atlantic create the harsh working conditions confronting the Danish salmon industry. That is also why a Faroese producer of breeding rings, KJ, sets high standards for its supplier´s solutions.

Easily handled pipes are essential when producing breeding rings at the site where they will be used. Whether the rings are to be used in the Faroe Islands, Shetland Islands, Iceland or the United Kingdom, the related large pipes need to be moved easily, due to difficult access roads and limited welding space. That is why it is so crucial that they are light.

Kommunal mark

Weholite tanks have multiple uses

A Weholite alkalization plant was installed alongside new groundwater intake facility in Kuhmo, Finland. The system is built in the factory, ready for installation.

Kommunal mark

Säker vattenförsörjning för ett gammalt varvs- och sågverksområde

Patentiemis kustlinje i Oulue i norra Finland spelade en stor roll i Finlands industrialiseringshistoria. I mitten av 1900-talet tog varvet emot handelsfartyg och senare blev det även ett område för de största sågverken under detta århundrade. Nu väntar en ny era för området med nybyggnation av bostäder som kommer att hysa 2500 invånare. Uponor Barrier PLUS-rör - som är både hållbara och helt täta - säkrar den framtida dricksvattenförsörjningen i det över 100 år gamla industriområdet.  

Fish farming with the smallest possible footprint

Andfjord Salmon AS, a Norwegian fish farming company, has the ambition to create a sustainable, environmentally and fish-friendly onshore facility – with the smallest possible footprint. This patented facility combines the best from both traditional ocean net-pens and land-based salmon farming. The intake and outfall lines are built with highly durable Weholite PE pipes and panels with a 100-year life span.

Kommunal mark

ProFuse installerat i Borås Stad

När 250 millimetersrören Profuse ersätter gamla 150 millimetersrör i gjutjärn på en två kilometer lång sträcka i Frufällan, får samhället en betydande kapacitetsökning för den livsviktiga vattentillgången. Dessutom ger de nya rören färre beläggningar och därmed mindre servicebehov och bättre hygien.

Väg & Järnväg

Construction of the N-S road in the area of mining damage

Problem-free operation in areas with mining damage in the Upper Silesia Industrial District thanks to the Uponor Infra pipe systems and retention tanks.
Kommunal mark

Renovation of the sewage collector

In 2021, a renovation of a corroded sewage collector was carried out in Swarzewo using a tight-fitting method.

Väg & Järnväg

Renovation of the railway culvert

Uponor Infra Sp. z o.o. supplied Weholite PEHD DN3000 SN8 with pipes for the renovation of a railway culvert.

Väg & Järnväg

Retention tanks for the railway station

The modernisation of the Warsaw West railway station is the largest construction project currently underway in the Polish capital.