Uponor Verkoopseenheid Benelux
Industriestrasse 56, 97437 Hassfurt, Germany

WehoPuts secures highest purity of the waste water,

WehoPuts 300 installation

A biological chemical treatment plant became the solution
The village Överklinten, located at the northern coast of Sweden needed a new solution to the traditional sewer system when it got condemned. Uponor WehoPuts became the solution. Överklinten is located upstreams from the groundwater level and high requirements were set for cleaning the waste water. The treatment plant were therefor complemented with a phosphorus trap and UV-C radiation in order to trap eventual excess phosphorus and UV radiation which stops the bacterial growth. 

Överklinten, Sweden
Type gebouw
Product systems
Riolering, afvalwaterzuivering

Reliable cleaning with WehoPuts

When the existing ground-based wastewater system was condemned, research was done to find out what would work well to serve the 41 properties - a preschool, business, hotel, two summer cottages and 36 permanent homes. The choice for Uponors Infra's WehoPuts treatment plant. One of the great advantages of the treatment plant is that it comes with a truck ready for installation. If the bed is dug, it is only necessary to lift the product, make pipe and electrical connections and refill. Everything done in one day and within a day the treatment plant is up and running and cleaning. Controls and maintenance of the plant are also done quickly and easily.

Purity beyond the requirements of Naturvårdsverkets demands
WehoPuts are biologically/chemically functioning batch treatment plants manufactured to meet the authorities' requirements for a high level of protection. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's requirement is that 50% of the nitrogen and 90% of the phosphorus and organic material in the waste water must be precipitated. WehoPuts meets that requirement. But given that Överklinten has a surface water source downstream from the plant, Robertsfors municipality wanted to achieve even higher purity.

The first WehoPuts plants were installed around the year 2005 and are still working great. The plant in Överklinten was commissioned in March 2022 and now they look forward to clean water and minimal maintenance.

The plant meets a high level of environmental and health protection, but in Överklinten we have supplemented the mechanical separation and the biological and chemical process with a phosphorus trap to capture any excess phosphorus as well as UV-C radiation that prevents bacterial growth, says Jörgen Eggesten, district sales reps. at Uponor Infra.
The place makes high demands on cleanliness. In addition, Överklinten is located upstream from groundwater chambers. That's why we opted for a phosphorus trap and UV-C radiation at Uponor Infra's treatment plant. The water must be really clean, says Fabian Erlandsson at the Community Development Office/GVA in Robertsfors municipality.

We had a WehoPuts 200 before, so we knew that the treatment plant worked well and was quick and easy to install, says Örjan Persson, who is operations manager at Robertsfors municipality.

We have had a good collaboration with Uponor Infra. Jörgen, our contact person, checked in with us during the process and got back to us very quickly when we had questions, concludes Örjan Persson.
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