IQ tanks takes the pressure of public stormwater network
IQ tanks for a stormwater solution in Aarhus
Via Eugenio Villoresi 2-4
20864 Agrate Brianza – MB
IQ tanks for a stormwater solution in Aarhus
Hospital has high demands for ventilation and clean air
Weholite’s ability to withstand external wear, such as friction against the seabed, was an important criterion when the outfall pipe of Stora Enso’s pulp and paper mill in Nymölla, southern Sweden, had to be replaced.
The district cooling system in Helsingborg involves the streamlining of current production. By means of seawater and using heat from the district heating network to power an absorption cooling unit, district cooling provides much better environmental values than electric cooling units. The district cooling station is an efficient source of cooling for buildings, industrial facilities and shopping centres.