Uponor Épületgépészeti Kft. - Műszaki ügyfélszolgálat
1043 Budapest, Lórántffy Zsuzsanna utca 15/b.

528 Megtalált eredmények
Weholite yields savings and smoother implementation

Weholite yields savings and smoother implementation

New dry land fish farm which will produce 3,200 tonnes of rainbow trout annually is being build in Eckerö in the Åland Islands. Uponor Infra has provided design assistance and delivers the pipes and is responsible for their installation and welding.

Water treatment plant
Nyilvános épület

Water treatment plant

Water company Ylä-Savon Vesi Oy needed a solution to improve the water quality in water supply process. The solution was an aeration tank made of Weholite.

Urban runoff under control – quickly and easily
Nyilvános épület

Urban runoff under control – quickly and easily

Nastola's plans initially featured a pipeline but this was replaced with a runoff tunnel. Thanks to the quick and easy installation, the time originally set aside for the project could be halved.

Uponor's head office is a model example of energy efficiency

Uponor's head office is a model example of energy efficiency

The indoor air of Uponor's two-storey head office in Vantaa is produced by an energy-efficient heating and cooling system.

Uponor's brand-new technology for a wavelike log house
Családi ház

Uponor's brand-new technology for a wavelike log house

The wavelike house presented at Mikkeli Housing Fair is an exclusive log house on the shores of Lake Saimaa designed by architect Seppo Mäntylä. The floor area of the laminated log house is 268.5 m2.

Upgrade of underfloor heating control system in a single-family house in Heinola
Családi ház

Upgrade of underfloor heating control system in a single-family house in Heinola

A single-family house in Heinola was suffering from uneven heat distribution. The problem was solved by upgrading the underfloor heating control system to Uponor's wireless Radio 24 V control system, which allows to regulate the temperature of each room separately.

Underfloor heating for single family home with Comfort E
Családi ház

Underfloor heating for single family home with Comfort E

Uponor’s electric underfloor heating system, Comfort E, was installed to a single family house, built in 1984, during the renovation project. Electric underfloor heating was carried out throughout the house, except for the sauna and shower rooms, which are still under planning.

Underfloor cooling adds value to new construction
Többszintes társasház

Underfloor cooling adds value to new construction

Postitalo, the former post office building in downtown Tampere, got a new look in 2017 when it was renovated into new commercial premises and a block of flats was built on top. The heat distribution system of choice was Uponor's underfloor heating and cooling system, which was installed in all flats.


The snow melting is becoming more efficient in Helsinki-Vantaa airport

In the non-Schengen terminal  in Helsinki-Vantaa airport is being built new standing place for the airplanes. In the concrete base was installed Uponor's snow melting system. The system is heated by district heating. The unique system has provided great experiences.

The service flue solution speeded up the construction of a block of flats in Lahti
Többszintes társasház

The service flue solution speeded up the construction of a block of flats in Lahti

Two seven-storey blocks of flats were completed in the Mukkula district in Lahti in late autumn 2015. Service flues were installed in a total of 108 flats at Asunto Oy Lahden Timonkadun Helmi on Timonkatu.

The plumbing in order in one go
Családi ház

The plumbing in order in one go

Tage and Marjo Mattson decided to renovate their water and radiator plumbing in the fall of 2014. The house was 38 years old then, as were the pipes. In total, the renovation only took a couple of weeks.

The plumbing in order in a single day
Családi ház

The plumbing in order in a single day

The 30 years old copper plumbing of the house were replaced with a Uponor composite system. The renovation was over in one day. The contractor for the job was LVI-Dalton Ltd from Klaukkala, Finland.