Uponor Hrvatska
Uponor d.o.o.
Dubravkin trg 2/1
10 000 Zagreb

Ecobox Building,

Ecobox Building

Ecobox Building

ECOBOX Bioclimatic Building

Madrid, Spain
Vrsta objekta
Poslovna zgrada
Product systems
Površinsko grijanje i hlađenje
Vrsta projekta
Nova zgrada

Uponor’s Invisible Climate is a state-of-the-art system that forms an integral part of the design of buildings and their performance. It represents a commitment to the future that guarantees the optimisation of energy consumption and maximum comfort.

It has already been applied in a wide range of constructions within the international non-residential sector. Everything from large hotels to cultural institutions, the headquarters of public bodies, modern airports, skyscrapers, etc.

The ECOBOX Building is an example of this. Designed by the architect Ángel de Diego, it houses the Metrópoli Foundation in Alcobendas (Madrid/Spain), and its solar installation is currently capable of saving 50% (65,378 kWh/year) of its energy demands. What is more, not only its design, but also the passive bioclimatic systems with which it is equipped, namely those supplied by Uponor, increase these savings by a further 20%. The upshot of all this is a total of 70% less energy consumed.

And this on top of the considerable 457,182 kg per year reduction of CO2 emissions.The ECOBOX Building is an installation that brings innovation, creativity and bioclimatic commitment together under one roof.

Ecobox Building

Slični projekti

Austro Tower

Sustainable heating and cooling with Uponor TABS

Zero emissions, maximum comfort

Maximum comfort for a net-zero energy office building

Office center "Penta"

A modern five-story office center with a cozy atmosphere.

Sunesis school scheme: Sacred Heart Primary School, West Midlands

Uponor were nominated as the sole supplier for radiant heating systems for the Sunesis Schools schemes, with Main Contractor Willmott Dixon.