Uponor France
523 Cours du 3ème Millénaire,
Parc Mail
Bâtiment H
69800 Saint-Priest
Les références

A tested and researched underfloor heating solution keeps footsteps in control,

A tested and researched underfloor heating solution keeps footsteps in control

Jyväskylän Holvi is a new apartment building with 43 apartments right in the heart of Jyväskylä. Uponor Tacker underfloor heating system and Uponor Smatrix Base room control system were installed in each apartment.

Jyväskylä, Finland
Type de construction
Immeuble résidentiel
Product systems
Systèmes rayonnants rafraîchissants
Type de projet
Nouveau bâtiment

A tested and researched underfloor heating solution keeps footsteps in control

Uponor Smatrix Base -säätölaitteet ohjaavat lattialämmitystä Jyväskylän Holvin asunnoissa
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