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Hallivanamehe 4 (3 korrus), 11317, Tallinn
Uponor Academy



Uponor kiirguskütte ja -jahutuse lahendused hotellides

Veebiseminaril rääkisime Uponori kiirguskütte- ja jahutuse lahendustest hotellides. Sellel veebiseminaril oli meil kõnelejaks Uponori Saksamaa esindusest Dr. Jan Babiak.

Seminar toimus 22. veeburaril 2022 algusega kell 11:00  

Seminari kava: 
  • Sissejuhatus
  • Uponori lahendused hotellides üldiselt ning lahendused hotellitubades
  • Globaalne cost study (LCC) kiirgus vs. fancolid: lahenduse kirjeldus, investeeringu maksumus, Energiakulu, Energia hind, CO2 and LCC
  • Eelised külalise mugavuse seisukohalt
  • Ülevaade eelistest omanikule
  • Kiirguskütte case studies
  • Uponor tarbevee hügineenisüsteem: Hygiene logic hotellides
  • Torustiku rajamise case studies
  • Arutelu ja Küsimused, vastused

Dr. Jan Babiak

Jan Babiak is a Project Manager of International Engineering, in the Uponor Building Solutions – Europe responsible for competence development and technical assistance for international project business with indoor and outdoor climate systems and renewable energy sources. He is a REHVA Fellow, and gained the REHVA’s Young Scientist Award 2008. Jan was also a member of World-GBC task group Offices, part of the Better Places for People campaign. He holds a doctor degree in Civil Engineering from the STU Bratislava and conducted his further studies at the FH Burgenland Austria and research works at the DTU Denmark. Jan gained experience in R&D, Standardisation, HVAC industry and infrastructure, particularly in a scope of energy sources, indoor climate engineering, human thermal comfort, indoor air quality and LCCA of building components.