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Uponor Eestis
Hallivanamehe 4 (3 korrus), 11317, Tallinn

534 Leitud tulemused
Aurora Micro Apartments
Apartment buildings

Aurora Micro Apartments

Learn why contractors chose to install an Uponor AquaPEX® plumbing system for these apartments based on product reliability and ease of installation...

Tailor-made pipes ensure a better water supply

Tailor-made pipes ensure a better water supply

Uponor Infra has designed a complete pipe solution for a new water tank. 400 m DN 800 pipes and 300 m DN 630 pipes now ensure Søborg citizens better water supply.


Intake pipeline for seawater in Copenhagen Harbour

Intake pipeline for seawater in Copenhagen Harbour

Butt welding by night of 900 mm pipes ensures stable operation of a district cooling solution in Copenhagen Harbour.

Uponor delivers tanks for a ground-breaking development project at Vestforbrænding

Uponor delivers tanks for a ground-breaking development project at Vestforbrænding

Uponor delivers tanks for a ground-breaking development project at Vestforbrænding

Waste water treatment development in Ishøj industrial area

Waste water treatment development in Ishøj industrial area

The project involves a great deal of sewerage work, as the former farmland is now being prepared for industrial purposes.

Drinking water passing through contaminated area in Thisted

Drinking water passing through contaminated area in Thisted

Citizens’ safety comes first when water utility sought to protect the municipality's drinking water from toxic chemicals.

IQ tanks takes the pressure of public stormwater network

IQ tanks takes the pressure of public stormwater network

IQ tanks for a stormwater solution in Aarhus

Plastic ensures condensation-free ventilation at new hospital and research facility

Plastic ensures condensation-free ventilation at new hospital and research facility

Hospital has high demands for ventilation and clean air

Sustainable  solution for  a pulp & paper mill

Sustainable solution for a pulp & paper mill

Weholite’s ability to withstand external wear, such as friction against the seabed, was an important criterion when the outfall pipe of Stora Enso’s pulp and paper mill in Nymölla, southern Sweden, had to be replaced.



Ultra Rib 2 Blue first installation

Ultra Rib 2 Blue first installation

In connection with a project in Sigtuna, the first pipes Ultra Rib 2 Blue are delivered. A new generation of pipes with 70% reduced carbon dioxide emissions. A significant part of the oil for the pipes comes from the waste industry and is vegetable.
WehoPuts 200pe installation

WehoPuts 200pe installation

The family company Benders started in 1960 in Edsvära on the Varaslätten. Benders is today a market-leading manufacturer and supplier of products in concrete and natural stone.
ProFuse installed in Borås Stad

ProFuse installed in Borås Stad

When the 250 millimeter pipes ProFuse replaces old 150 millimeter pipes in cast iron on a two-kilometer stretch in Frufällan, society will have a significant increase in capacity for the vital water supply. In addition, the new pipes provide fewer coatings and thus less service needs and better hygiene.