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Uponor Eestis
Osmussaare 8 A3, 13811, Tallinn

534 Leitud tulemused
Old saltwater pool in Reichenhall

Old saltwater pool in Reichenhall

The newly renovated building complex contains offices and the salt museum. And Uponor radiant heating systems ensure that it all stays at a comfortable temperature.

Single family houses


450 metres of Uponor Ecoflex Supra PLUS pipes are used to transport drinking water and waste water in a new houseboat marina.

Tom Mutters School

Tom Mutters School

For the Tom Mutters School renovation, Uponor Minitec and Knauf Levelling Screed 425 were used to achieve a low profile, despite having to add levelling.

Energy Efficiency Center
Office buildings

Energy Efficiency Center

The foyer, information centre and conference room at the Energy Efficiency Centre in Würzburg uses the Uponor Klett line for energy-efficient radiant heating and cooling.

Skihalle Oberhof
Sports facilities

Skihalle Oberhof

Wilfred Laurier dorms

Wilfred Laurier dorms

See the advantages of converting from an electric system to an Uponor hydronic heating and chilled water...

Summerland Apartments
Apartment buildings

Summerland Apartments

A 16-story multifamily complex repipes a failing galvanized pipe system with an Uponor AquaPEX® plumbing system...

Southwest Homes
Single family houses

Southwest Homes

After Saskatchewan passed the requirement for fire sprinklers in all assisted-living housing, this home needed a solution that would be fast and minimize...

Manitoba Hydro Place
Industrial buildings

Manitoba Hydro Place

See how Uponor hePEX is being used to heat an 18-floor building in a location where temperatures can dip below 0°F...

Single family houses


See how our radiant heating system contributed to remarkable heating and cooling cost savings, and the first...

Archetype Sustainable House
Single family houses

Archetype Sustainable House

The Archetype Sustainable House at The Living City Campus in Ontario chooses an Uponor radiant heating system...

Wilshire Grand
Hotel buildings

Wilshire Grand

An Uponor radiant cooling system keeps the integrity of the world’s largest concrete pour for the tallest building west of the...