NK Zagreb's Training camp ZAGREBello
NK Zagreb's Training camp ZAGREBello is the most up-to-date sports centre in Croatia.
NK Zagreb's Training camp ZAGREBello is the most up-to-date sports centre in Croatia.
Aastal 2022 valmib Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi Maarjamõisa meditsiinilinnak. See Eesti suurim omataoline keskus koondab aktiivravi ühte kompaktsesse süsteemi. Praegu käimas olevas teises ehitusjärgus osaleb tarbe- ja kütteveesüsteemide tarnija ning nõustajana ka Uponor.
Uus algkool ja lasteaed rohkem kui 350 õpilasele ja lasteaed 120 mudilasele.
Eesti kõrgeim ehitis ja oluline vaatamisväärsus kasutab Uponori maa-alust ventilatsioonisüsteemi.
Tallinna vana elektrijaama katlamaja sai uue elu - see renoveeriti loome- ja kultuurikeskuseks.
The Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost in Germany is a science centre that presents climate and climate change topics in a comprehensible scientific manner.
At Villa Neureuther in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, everything is geared towards comfort, and the quality is right down to the last detail.
For the conversion of the historic building, the planners relied on decentralized apartment stations from KaMo and floor heating and cooling from Uponor.
The former water tower in Radolfzell was converted into the zero-energy design hotel aquaTurm, with the Klett and Smatrix Base solutions from Upanor being used for heating and cooling.
Hall air conditioning suitable for every event. There is a generous feeling of space and pleasant room temperature control all the year round.