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Uponor Eestis
Osmussaare 8 A3, 13811, Tallinn

534 Leitud tulemused
Länsförsäkringar Office building complex
Office buildings

Länsförsäkringar Office building complex

Uponor’s comfortable and invisible ceiling cooling system proved out to be the perfect solution for an office building complex in central Västerås, Sweden.

Spectacular living in a luxury townhouse
Single family houses

Spectacular living in a luxury townhouse

In Sweden, an old university building has been transformed into luxury apartments and townhouses equipped with Uponor underfloor heating and tap water systems

Uponor MLC pipes at Erikslund Shopping Centre, Sweden
Retail buildings

Uponor MLC pipes at Erikslund Shopping Centre, Sweden

The newest shopping centre in Västerås, Erikslund Shopping Centre, was inaugurated in September 2011.

Uponor Ecoflex Thermo VIP installed in a summer house
Single family houses

Uponor Ecoflex Thermo VIP installed in a summer house

The summer house in Mälardalen

Car dealership in El Escorial, Madrid
Office buildings

Car dealership in El Escorial, Madrid

Uponor’s Invisible Climate for the refurbishment of a car dealership in El Escorial, Madrid

Ecobox Building
Office buildings

Ecobox Building

ECOBOX Bioclimatic Building

The Ágora Building, Valencia
Sports facilities

The Ágora Building, Valencia

Designed by the local architect Santiago Calatrava, the Ágora building marks the conclusion of Valencia's City of Arts and Sciences complex in Spain.

EMT: Bus depot, Madrid

EMT: Bus depot, Madrid

The Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid, SA (EMT) installs Uponor´s Invisible Air- Conditioning system in the newly renovated bus parking facility.

FELSAN Factory
Industrial buildings

FELSAN Factory

Uponor Invisible Climate in a factory in Albacete

Single family houses


Fujy-Natural Architecture

BESEL Head offices in Madrid
Office buildings

BESEL Head offices in Madrid

Uponor has installed 2,000 m² of Invisible Climate

Uponor Iberia headquarters and logistics hub - Móstoles, Madrid
Office buildings

Uponor Iberia headquarters and logistics hub - Móstoles, Madrid

This building complex is an exceptional reference on how sustainability and energy efficiency can be included into modern commercial and industrial building project