Smatrix Pulse stardikomplektid on septembri lõpuni saadaval KAMPAANIAHINNAGA! Vaata lisa SIIT
Uponor Eestis
Osmussaare 8 A3, 13811, Tallinn

Hot tap water delivered energy efficiently,

Hot tap water delivered energy efficiently

Combi Port heat exchanger units were selected for seven apartment buildings made of logs in Oulu.
The decentralized system is a new, energy-efficient approach to distributing hot tap water and heat to homes. The solution was implemented in seven detached houses that have just been completed in Oulu: only heating water and hot tap water are supplied to the houses. The rest is handled by each house's own heat exchanger. The result is living comfort and a significant reduction in heat loss.

Oulu, Finland
Hoone tüüp
Single family houses
Product systems
Eelkoostatud soojasõlmed Port
Projekti tüüp

Hot tap water delivered energy efficiently

fi combi port as oy oulun hirsikoti smatrix pulse desktop
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