Smatrix Pulse stardikomplektid on septembri lõpuni saadaval KAMPAANIAHINNAGA! Vaata lisa SIIT
Uponor Eestis
Osmussaare 8 A3, 13811, Tallinn

Kuldreiting rõhutab meie jätkuvat pühendumust jätkusuutlikkusele.

Uponor pälvis EcoVadis kuldreitingu

Uponor on pälvinud maineka Kuldse reitingu tunnustatud jätkusuutlikkuse platvormilt EcoVadis!

Meie pühendumus jätkusuutlikkusele on end ära tasunud, võimaldades meil kuuluda üle maailma 5000 plastmaterjalidest tootvate firmade seas 6% kõrgeima reitinguga ettevõtte hulka.

Kuldreiting rõhutab meie jätkuvat pühendumust jätkusuutlikkusele.

Uponor Corporationi tehnikadirektor Thomas Fuhr kommenteerib: "See on esimene kord, kui Uponor pälvis kuldhinnangu. Meie uus jätkusuutlikkuse tegevuskava, mis võeti kasutusele 2022. aastal, lõi ambitsioonikate eesmärkidega raamistiku, mille oleme saavutanud. Olen kogu meie organisatsiooni meeskonna pingutuste üle ülimalt uhke, et parandada meie EcoVadise reitingut.”

Loe edasi inglise keelset Uponor Corporationi originaalteadet -

“This is the first time Uponor is awarded with the Gold level. This achievement reflects Uponor’s long-standing commitment to sustainability and transparency in its ESG reporting. Our new sustainability agenda, launched in 2022, has given us a new framework with ambitious targets to aim for. The new sustainability agenda is based on where we can make a difference. We are making a commitment to our customers, owners, partners, employees, and society – a promise that we will do our very best to increase our positive impacts, to reduce our environmental footprint, and ensure full transparency on both. I’m very proud of our team effort across the organization which has led to our improved EcoVadis score,” says Thomas Fuhr, Chief Technology Officer at Uponor Corporation.

“Uponor’s scores in both Labour & Human Rights and Sustainable Procurement improved significantly. The Labour & Human Rights section shows the progress in our Health &; Safety work and improved reporting on job satisfaction, occupational health care and performance review practices. The Sustainable Procurement rating improved based on the integration of the Supplier Code of Conduct into supply agreements and that Uponor carried out a first initial supplier sustainability risk assessment. However, the Sustainable Procurement section still also contains the greatest need for improvement,” says Ilari Aho, VP of Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs.

Grounded in our strategy, Uponor’s sustainability agenda aims to maximise our positive impact on customers, employees, and society, while minimising our own environmental footprint. Finalised in 2022, the agenda was created together with our customers, Uponorians, and other key stakeholders. In our interviews with stakeholders, the same three topics kept surfacing: climate action, circularity and transparency. We address these three topics in our new sustainability agenda, which includes concrete, measurable targets we aim for.

EcoVadis is a collaborative platform providing sustainability ratings and performance improvement tools for global supply chains. The EcoVadis methodology framework assesses companies’ policies and actions as well as their published reporting related to the environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. The EcoVadis methodology is based on the international sustainability standards of the Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and ISO 26000.