Uponor International Sales
Industriestrasse 56, 97437 Hassfurt, Germany
Results for "Underfloor Heating"

141 Results found
Multi-family home
Multi family homes

Multi-family home

Attic extension, Multi-family home Berlin

St. Mary’s Cathedral

St. Mary’s Cathedral

The 1,200-year-old St. Mary’s Cathedral in Hildesheim is currently undergoing a restoration.

BMW World
Commercial Applications

BMW World

Barrier-free climate control technology for exceptional architecture

Old saltwater pool in Reichenhall

Old saltwater pool in Reichenhall

The newly renovated building complex contains offices and the salt museum. And Uponor radiant heating systems ensure that it all stays at a comfortable temperature.

Tom Mutters School

Tom Mutters School

For the Tom Mutters School renovation, Uponor Minitec and Knauf Levelling Screed 425 were used to achieve a low profile, despite having to add levelling.

Energy Efficiency Center
Office building

Energy Efficiency Center

The foyer, information centre and conference room at the Energy Efficiency Centre in Würzburg uses the Uponor Klett line for energy-efficient radiant heating and cooling.

Uponor Shanghai office, China
Office building

Uponor Shanghai office, China

A showcase of Uponor products and systems to customers and also serves as our branch office.

Alibaba headquarters
Office building

Alibaba headquarters

Mr. Ma Yun spent one billion RMB to make Alibaba headquarters a luxury modern architecture.

Changjia Residential Villa in Kunshan (Suzhou), China
Single family home

Changjia Residential Villa in Kunshan (Suzhou), China

A private owned residential villa, located in Kunshan (Jiangsu Province) is the first Villa project in China region.