
Drainage system of the T3 Baltic Hub container terminal,

Drainage system for the largest container port in Poland

Uponor Infra delivered over 10 km of PE and PP pipes for the construction of the drainage system for the T3 Baltic Hub container terminal in the Port of Gdańsk.
Jego aktualne możliwości przeładunkowe to ok. 3 mln TEU (jednostka miary równa wymiarom kontenera 20-stopowego). Po oddaniu do użytku nowego terminalu T3, Baltic Hub będzie zdolny obsłużyć o 1,5 mln TEU więcej, czyli ok. 4,5 mln TEU. Inwestycja prowadzona przez konsorcjum Budimex S.A. i Dredging International NV wymagała budowy sztucznej wyspy o powierzchni 36 ha z głębokowodnym nabrzeżem o łącznej dł. 717 m i głębokości prawie 18 m. Dzięki temu możliwa będzie obsługa nawet największych, 400-metrowych kontenerowców i uruchomienie bezpośrednich połączeń z Azją. Ukończenie terminalu T3 umocni pozycję Baltic Hub jako kluczowego portu przeładunkowego na Bałtyku. Całkowita wartość inwestycji to ok. 470 mln euro.

Baltic Hub (formerly DCT Gdańsk), which has been operating since 2007, is the largest container port in Poland and on the Baltic Sea. Its current transshipment capacity is approximately 3 million TEU (a unit of measurement equal to the dimensions of a 20-foot container). After the new T3 terminal is put into operation, Baltic Hub will be able to handle 1.5 million TEU more, or approximately 4.5 million TEU. The investment carried out by the consortium of Budimex S.A. and Dredging International NV required the construction of an artificial island with an area of ​​36 ha with a deep-water quay with a total length of 717 m and a depth of almost 18 m. This will enable the handling of even the largest, 400-meter container ships and the launch of direct connections with Asia. The completion of the T3 terminal will strengthen the position of Baltic Hub as a key transshipment port on the Baltic Sea. The total value of the investment is approximately EUR 470 million.

Gdańsk, Poland
Product systems

Construction of drainage for the T3 Baltic Hub container terminal in the Port of Gdańsk

PE and PP pipes are the best solution for container terminal drainage

Uponor Infra participated in the investment as a supplier of the terminal drainage system. WehoPipe PE100 DN1000 SDR17 pipes (365 m), WehoTripla SN10 DN160÷315 socketed PP pipes (2.2 km) and Weholite SN10 DN300÷1000 socketed PE pipes (7.5 km) were used for the construction. PE and PP pipes have a wide range of chemical resistance and resistance to dynamic traffic loads. They are also easy to unload and assemble, have a 100-year service life and are environmentally neutral.

In September 2024, work was completed in the area designated for automated rail cranes, including the installation of the first 360 meters of linear drainage along the rear beam of the crane from the quay side. At the end of October, a transport of 4 STS (Ship-to-Shore) cranes entered the Gulf of Gdańsk, and at the beginning of November, the cranes were moved to the quay. The investment is proceeding according to schedule and the completion of the works is planned for September 2025.

Drainage system of the T3 Baltic Hub container terminal

Drainage system of the T3 Baltic Hub container terminal
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